

1 The most famous Shoshone Indian was Sacagawea—the woman who accompanied Lewis and Clark on their exploration of the upper Missouri River.

A traveled with

B argued with

C defended

D avoided

2 It is now generally assumed that the planets were formed by the accretion of gas and dust in a cosmic cloud.

A separation

B reaction

C accumulation

D motion

3 While they were away on vacation,they allowed their mail to accumulate at the post office.

A be deliveredI3 pile up

C get lost

D be returned

4 If the weatherman has predicted accurately, tomorrow will be a perfect day for our picnic.

A astutely

B correctly

C carefully

D acutely

5Usually,in an attack of influenza,the patient's limbs ache.

A hurt

B soften

C get numb

D get hot

答案:1 A 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 A

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