


Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Mike says that he is still _______ person.

a) the same

b) a sane

2) Mike recently _______ his girlfriend.

a) got enraged at

b) got engaged to

3) Mike says they have a _______ relationship.

a) loving

b) changing


Topic:How have you changed in the last 12 months?

Hi, my name is Mike, from Canada, and this is for elllo.org. The question is: "How have you changed in the last twelve months?". Well, for me, I'm still the same person, but I have made a lot of changes in my life, and the biggest change perhaps is getting engaged to my girlfriend. Now, that doesn't actually change our relationship, we still have the same loving relationship we always did, but now we have a title of engagement. It's exciting, and I can't believe that it's the next step to life, but it's definitely the biggest change that has happened to me in the next, in the last twelve months.


a b a

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