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I suspect, however, that there is something else more important - and subtle - going ontoo. Girls who play sport at school learn at a young age that it is acceptable to compete aggressively. They also discover that success does not depend on looking good and that it can be acceptable to take pleasurein winning. That might seem an obvious point, at least to an adult man. But it is not so self-evident to young girls who are exposed to modern Hollywood teen - or tweenie - culture. Indeed, when I lookat the cultural messages that kids receive now from films and television, compared with my own childhood, I suspect thatgirls need sports today more than ever. Beingan athlete is one of the few socially accepted ways for teenage girls to compete, without peer criticism。


This has at least two implications. First, it may suggest that if we want to find more futurefemale business and civic leaders, we should lookmore closely at athletes. Historically, professional women athletes tend to be steeredto coaching or commentators' jobs whentheir sporting careers dim. However, Brooke of E&Y is now trying to create a networkto turn more of them into entrepreneurs, and it will be interesting to see ifthis produces any results。


But second - and most obviously - we need tokeep young girls playing sport. In my case, I was lucky enough to grow up competing extensively (lacrosse and netball were my passion). I am now trying to ensure that my own daughters do so too. However, this is a luxury of sorts. As public educational budgets get squeezed - and cyber distractions grow - it is becoming harder, not easier, for many girls to do team sports. That is a tragedy. If we want to get more strong female leaders, we must celebrate competition at a young age. Or, at least, teach them the links between struggle and success; even - or especially - in an age of instant gratification where kids prefer to say “don't sweat it”。






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