



  • 在对口语Part 2 进行描述的时候*好能有一个比较清晰的主线,不断地去丰富和具体化主线的内容,使得说出来的东西让考官感觉真实可信,以下题为例来说一下怎么规划Part 2的描述。

    基本的主线:切入话题→提供信息→ 描述细节→ 点题→ 事发当天的细节→制造冲突→ 否极泰来→ 人生得意须尽欢→ 曲终人散

    Describe one time when the weather changed your plan.

    首先切入话题和发生的时间I would like to talk about a plan for birthday celebration which I took part in two months ago.

    描述路途上的艰辛We got a group of six; since we got no private car, we had to take a subway to the destination. The trip seemed a bit arduous, for a bunch of things had to be carried.

  • 制造冲突戏剧性的一幕出现,天不遂人愿,计划被迫改变Ironically, the minute we arrived there, it began to rain. As a result, then we were forced to change the plan

  • .否极泰来Fortunately, the manager offered a second chance for the party, offering us an indoor kitchen.

  • 人生得意须尽欢So we could continue the plan. We sang the birthday song when Michael cut the cake and we congratulated him and wished him a prosperous life ahead. Then we ate cake and had delicious food cooked by ourselves.

  • 曲终人散Then after two hours, we left the party and went our homes.

  • 然后详细介绍话题相关的信息和原因It was Michael’s birthday, one of my best friends, who turned 25 that day. I, together with other classmates, wanted to celebrate his birthday just before his departure toUnited   States.

  • 接着提供话题相关的细节So we had prepared well in details: we had booked an outdoor kitchen near the beach, and bought a great number of BBQ accessories and of course variety of food materials.

  • 之后话锋一转联系上本题目的核心信息:天气,就是不跑题Since it was an outdoor activity, weather was crucial. The day before that day, the broadcast said it was sunny all day long

  • 咨询热线:郑老师:13167722526  QQ:3469817101



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