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  • 苏州托福冲刺班培训班



  • 苏州托福考试辅导

    洪探 Andy

    智美教育苏州中心托福讲师。从事雅思、托福听力口写教学多年,也曾从事影视听译工作以及南京青奥会YOG志愿者英语培训讲师。课堂上避免了一成不变的说教,摒弃“tell you,you know”的传统,而致力于“get you involved and you learn”的新的教学模式。多年的听力授课经验使其课堂氛围活跃,课堂问答模式构建出很强的互动性,善于打开学生的“话匣子”。同时作为理工科出身,深谙数学学习之道,**击破SAT、GRE和GMAT数学障碍。其独到的授课理念和模式使其课堂直击考试技巧,**提分! 主讲:雅思听力,托福口语,SAT 风格:互动教学,直击障碍。

  • 苏州托福培训哪个好

    汪子钰 Dulci

    毕业于郑州大学,本科为英语翻译专业,研究生为外国语言学及应用语言学专业。主讲托福阅读和写作,小托福听力,ACT写作等课程。美国的留学经历使得对美国生活及文化有更多的了解,平时对各个学科也都广泛涉猎,在课堂上不仅教学生的目标科目,而且会扩展更多文化层面的知识,造就广知学生。互动性教学使得学生能积极参与课堂,因材施教,教学成果显著。 主讲:托福阅读和写作、小托福听力、ACT写作 风格:亲切风趣 治学严谨



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  • 说实话现在托福教育培训机构比构多,选择面也是相当,在托福教育界里新东方国际英语堪称领头羊,我也在新东方学,老师绝对牛,上课内容突出重点,特别是向这种应试型的考试他们.....

  • 说实话现在托福教育培训机构比构多,选择面也是相当,在托福教育界里常州环球雅思堪称领头羊,我也在朗阁,老师绝对牛,上课内容突出重点,特别是向这种应试型的考试他们更.....

  • 一般来说考托福有以下几个好处 1.出国是必要的。要在美国为一所大学或研究生学习,托福成绩必须达到该校的录取分数。 2.可以做托福培.....

  • 学员,您好!深圳鹰尚私塾的托福预备基础小班课程是针对英语学习基础较薄弱,并希望高效率得到提升的学员,同时托福课程也有一系列的包括基础、强化和冲刺的课程,所以对于.....




口语第一题:  **  Your friend is considering a new pet, what kind of animal would you suggest?  思路:  Dog  1. man’s best friend  解释 everyone likes dogs, accompany us everywhere  例子 my dog T-mall is 5 years old now and he sleeps on my bed every night.  2.smart, keep strangers away  解释 dogs can smell strangers, and they can bark very loudly to scare them away  例子my neighbor’s dog even help to catch a thief last summer.  NO.2  The university acts as a venue for 3 kinds of students activities:Concerts performed by students, Drama acted out by theater students, Lectures given by a well-know professor. Which would you choose?  思路:  Drama  1.i love drama  解释 I am a big fan of drama and I dreamed to be an actress since I was a little girl  例子 when I am watching a drama, I can totally enjoy myself and forget about anything else. Relax. Release pressure.  2.concerts are loud.  Too many people and too much music give me headache.  3.lectures are so boring that I would fall asleep.  NO.3  University students are facing many challenges with their studies, what do you think is the most difficult challenge?  思路:  Balance study and entertainment  1.busy  解释:lots of assignments to accomplish: papers, reports, presentations…  例子:my sister has no time to play with me, even during weekends. She’s busy with a lot of things such as:  2.pressure  解释 even if students manage to have some free time, they would not be able to enjoy them, because they are so stressed out all the time.  例子 my teacher wants me to make progress, my parents want me to find a good job after graduation, let alone the peer pressure.  NO.4  这一百年有很多发明,哪一个对你生活改变最大?  思路:  two effects  1.make communication easier  解释in the past, send pigeons, write letters, it could take days or even weeks,but now, communication can be simultaneous  例子 chat online through apps such as…  emails  2.entertain  解释now, people are under pressure from work, study  例子through the internet, they can play games, watch movies, listen to music  NO.5  学校里喜欢做什么活动?  思路:  Gym  1.healthy  解释 nowadays, people are doing less exercise and eating less healthier diet. That explains why they are suffering from all sorts of diseases ranging from diabetes to heart attack.  例子my brother was weak before, but after running on the treadmill in the gym 2 hours per day for 2 months, he’s getting much better shape.  2.make friend/enlarge social network  解释more chances to meet people. Communicate. Common interests,  例子my brother met his best buddy Mark in the gym. They not only work out together, but also play games, going to dinners even watching movies together,  NO.6  上过的两个学校,解释两个学校的区别。  思路:primary school and high school  1. the environment is different.  解释 小学smaller than 高中.  小学no garden, 高中:big garden, flowers and trees, beautiful, fresh air.  2.teachers are different,  解释 小学 nice and kind, never blame us  高中 strict.  例子:once I was late for the math class, my head teacher called my parents immediately  NO.7  Why organizing time is challenging for students and why it is important?  思路:  1.challenging because students are so busy.  解释pressure from study. if I want to go to a better college, I have to study harder and harder  例子 homework, extra online courses, exams  2.important because time is limited and precious  解释:we should make full use of it so that we can learn more, we can do more things with the limited time.  例子:if I organized my time properly, I can use the saved time to do other more meaningful things such as:…  No.8  Talk about an important decision that you have made. Explain in detail why this decision was important to you.  思路:  Get my driver’s license  1. convenient  解释 fast ,save time, get things done more efficiently  例子drive myself to school.  30 minutes faster than taking the bus  2.I love cars  解释 get to know more about the things I am interested in since I was a child.  例子 I was crazy about automobiles. Read magazines, watch TV programs  NO.9  Which one of the following would you like to do on the weekend: stay with your family, go to the gym, or watch TV?  思路:  Gym  1.healthy  解释 nowadays, people are doing less exercise and eating less healthier diet. That explains why they are suffering from all sorts of diseases ranging from diabetes to heart attack.  例子my brother was weak before, but after running on the treadmill in the gym 2 hours per day for 2 months, he’s getting much better shape.  2.make friend/enlarge social network  解释more chances to meet people. Communicate. Common interests,  例子my brother met his best buddy Mark in the gym. They not only work out together, but also play games, going to dinners even watching movies together,  **0  If your friend is dropping out of the college, would you consider it a good thing?  思路:  good  1.save money  解释college tuition is expensive nowadays, plus the living expense.  Huge financial burden for the family.  Use the money to do other things, such as…  例子 if i drop out, I would start my own company…  2.save time  解释4 years of college, we might complete nothing, but if we do sth else, that’s a different story.  例子if I drop out, I would use the time to work. Get experience.  **1  大学收到一大笔钱,问你认为应该花在哪里来改善学生的生活:技术 运动设施,研究  思路:(答案参考no.9)  运动设施  1.healthy  解释  例子  2.make friends  解释  例子  **2  Which of the following Art classes would you be more interested in taking? Wood Sculpture, Painting or Photography?  三选一,可以学一样art,选哪样? wood sculpture; painting; 摄影;  思路:  photography  1.preserve memory  解释capture the most precious moment in our lives  例子my mother still kept the photo of my 3-year-old birthday  2.I love taking photos  解释 get to know more about the things I am interested in since I was a child.  例子 I was crazy about photography. Read magazines, watch TV programs about it.  **3  你有个哥们要面试了,他问你要ADVICE啊,你觉得他怎么样才能成功哇?  思路:  1.be confident  解释 leave a good impression to the interviewer  If he does not trust himself, he is destined to lose  例子last time when I was in a interview, I was so nervous that I thought myself unqualified for the job, and I failed.  2.ask sb with experience for help  解释save him time, give him tips, encouragement  例子 he can ask his father for some instructions  **4  你认为哪个时期是最困难的:童年时期,青少年时期,成年时期?Which period do you think is most difficult: childhood, teenager or adulthood?  思路:  Teenage time  1.pressure from study  解释 if I want to go to a better college, I have to study harder and harder  例子 homework, extra online courses, exams  2.stress from peers  解释trying to be better, to stand out, struggle for identity  例子everybody is working their best to catch up with one another.  **5  Describe your first time to go to school when you were young, you like it or not. 思路:  6 years old, and I like it  1.new faces  解释 curious about everyone. The teachers, classmates…  例子 I met 3 new friends in a single day: Mike, Marry and Ben.  2.knowledge  解释first step to get to now the world  例子 1+1=2, recognize some Chinese pinyin …  **6  你住的国家面临的问题... 翻译的不知道对不对  思路:  Air pollution  1.too many private cars  解释 gas emission. CO2, SO2… harmful  例子 we should encourage people to take more public transportation  2.cutting down trees  解释trees absorb CO2 and release O2 to fresh the air, but humans are cutting them down.  例子we should plant trees instead of consuming them  **7  描述一个你喜欢与之聊天的人。  Describe a person whom you would like to talk with often (this person could be one of your close friends, family members or teachers). Explain why you would like to talk with this person and what you would talk about?  思路:  My father  1.helpful  解释willing to listen and good at finding solutions  例子I was assigned to write a paper about photography, but I knew nothing about it.  After I talked with my father, he calmed me down and introduced me some useful books to get to know the subject  2.humorous  解释talking with him is simply fun  例子one time, I lost my favorite book, and I almost cried, but my father saved me by telling all sorts of jokes and making funny faces.  **8  What are some important effects of the worldwide availability of Internet on modern people's lives? Use specific details and examples to support your response.  思路:  two effects  1.make communication easier  解释in the past, send pigeons, write letters, it could take days or even weeks,but now, communication can be simultaneous  例子 chat online through apps such as…  emails  2.entertain  解释now, people are under pressure from work, study  例子through the internet, they can play games, watch movies, listen to music

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