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第36招:媒体制作人员面谈英语 空服人员面谈英语_初级英语口语

发布时间:2016-05-19 来源:环球网校 发布人:wyznl


1、 开口就说 Open your mouth
I have a hard time with my girlfriend.
Why do you have such a hard time admitting it?
I really have a hard time getting a job here.
I'll be your back up.
I have a hard time with my classmates.
2、 学来就用 Let's practice
What kind of production experience do you have?
I worked as an associate producer on the morning talk show, and as an production assistant on several TV comedies.
That sounds impressive.
I certainly learned a lot.
Like what?
I learned how to work well under pressure, and how to deal with egos.
Those are important things to know in this business.
Why do you want to be a flight attendant?
I have always enjoyed flying, and I'm good with people.
Could you handle flying for 24 hours straight?
Yes, I can adjust to anything.
That's good.
I'm also calm under pressure and trained in first aid.
You sound very qualified.
It has always be my dream to be a flight attendant.
3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday
There is a great Egyptian exhibit coming to town soon.
Yes, I have thought about getting tickets.
How much are they?
I don't know, but I can tell you when they coming in
That would be nice.
If you like I can buy them and we can go together.
I like to go with other people and get there perspective.

阅读推荐:catti培训 catti培训班 新东方口译 环球网校翻译资格




