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发布时间:2016-05-20 来源:环球网校 发布人:wyznl



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Smaller companies provide better _____ .

a) opportunities to make decisions

b) opportunities for promotion

2) Large companies give _____ .

a) better training

b) more travel opportunities

3) Does CleAnn prefer large companies?

a) Yes

b) Not necessarily


Topic:Big company vs small company?

CleAnn: Nana, would you rather work for a big company or a small company?

Nana: I would prefer a smaller company because with a smaller company I can actually make decisions which would affect people around, so I prefer smaller companies.

CleAnn: Yeah and then you get an opportunity to meet more people right?

Nana: Yeah.

CleAnn: Me too. I think I prefer small companies because it would be better to meet peoople. But I like to travel though and I think sometimes the bigger companies have more opportunities to travel so maybe in that case I might want to work for a big company.

Nana: Ah OK so ultimately you might want to work for a big company right?

CleAnn: I'm saying it depends on whether or not I prefer just to meet a lot of people around me or if I want to visit a lot of different countries. Do you understand?

Nana: Yeah, I understand.

CleAnn: OK.


a b b

阅读推荐:catti培训 catti培训班 新东方口译 环球网校翻译资格

上一篇:在压力下你依然能够很好的工作吗? 如何付账_初级英语口语

下一篇:这句话怎么说(生活篇) 第357期:没有理由那样说话_初级英语口语


