当前位置:网校排名 > 环球网校 > 环球网校资讯 > 第166期:你想去哪座城市旅游?_初级英语口语



发布时间:2016-07-26 来源:环球网校 发布人:wyznl



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Hoa would like to visit ______ .

a) Sydney

b) Melbourne

2) She would spend lots of time at ______ .

a) the coast

b) the zoo

3) She doesn't know much about the ______ .

a) cities

b) food


Topic:What city would you like to vist?

Hello. This is Hoa from Vietnam and this is for elllo.org. The question today is ... what is a city you would like to visit? Well, because I like doing outdoor activities and I love the sea, so I really want to go to Melbourne in Australia because Melbourne is famous for beautiful beaches all over the world and if I have a chance to go to Melbourne I would spend most of my time on the beach to do some activities like doing the sunburn, going swimming, or playing sports, so on and so forth, and besides I want to visit the zoos because I want to have ... to see some cute animals in Australia and if I have a chance I really want to taste Australian food as well because I don't really know what Australian food's like and what they often eat or ... I don't really know about the food in Australia so I really want to have a chance to taste it. How about you? Where do you want to go and would you like to come with me to Australia someday?


b a b

阅读推荐:catti培训 catti培训班 新东方口译 环球网校翻译资格




