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发布时间:2016-10-06 来源:环球网校 发布人:tusya




环球网校成人高考凭借雄厚的师资力量、领先的课件制作技术、严谨的教学作风、极高的考试学成比例、灵活多样的教学方式,赢得了数万名新老学员的赞赏。 为帮助广大学员有效备考,环球职业教育在线将推出该考试辅导精讲班、冲刺班、模考班、应试技巧班。本次辅导由考试权威辅导专家张旭东、陈岩、李兴阔、赫凌敏等担任主讲,全部采用视频授课的形式呈现给学员,考生可随时报名,学习期限一直到本年度考试结束后三天关闭,学员每天 24 小时可随时进入课堂反复学习。进入环球网校成人高考频道

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107. by the way / in the way / in a way / on the way / in no way / in this way 顺便说说/ 碍事/ 从某种程度上来说/ 在路上/ 绝不/ 就这样

108. be willing to do sth / be unwilling to do 愿意做某事/ 不愿意做某事

109. have a word with sb / have words with sb 和某人谈话/ 和某人吵架

110. in a word / in short / to sum up 总之

111. in other words 换言之

112. Word came that …有消息称……

eg. Word came that there would be a new round of sale next week. / 有消息称下周还有新一轮的打折。

113. be worth doing / be worthy to do 值得做某事

eg. The book is worth reading. / The book is worthy to be read. / 这本书值得一读。

114. accuse sb of doing sb 指控某人做某事

eg. He was accused of murdering his boss. / 他被指控谋杀了他的老板。

115. assure sb of sth 向某人确保……

eg. The shop assistant kept assuring me of the quality, so I took it. / 售货员不断向我保证质量,所以我就买下了。

116. get rid of sth 去除,消除

117. suspect sb of doing sth 怀疑某人做某事

118. warn sb of sth 警告某人某事

eg. I have warned him of the danger many times, but he won't listen to me. / 我警告过他很多次,但是他就是不听我的。

119. differ from 区别于

120. be dismissed from / be fired from 被……解雇

121. protect sb from sth / doing sth 保护某人免受,免于……

eg. The umbrella can protect people from the rain. / 雨伞可以保护人们不受雨淋。

122. sb be engaged in doing sth 忙于做某事

123. fail in sth / fail to do sth 失败于某事

124. indulge oneself in sth / doing sth 沉溺于某事

eg. He indulged himself in traveling all over the world. /他沉溺于他的环球旅行。

125. sb be involved in sth 某人被牵涉进某事中

eg. I don't want to be involved in their quarrel. / 我不想搅和进他们的争吵中。

126. concentrate on sth / doing sth 全神贯注做某事

127. decide on sth 决定

eg. They have decided on the date for their outing. / 他们已经决定了出游的日期。

128. economize on sth 节约

eg. We should economize on all kinds of energy. / 我们应该节约各种能源。

129. embark on sth 开始着手做某事

130. operate on sb 给某人动手术

131. vote on sth for sb / against sb 就某事进行投票选择,赞成/ 反对

132. amount to 达到

133. appeal to sb 吸引某人

eg. The bright colors always appeal to the young girls. / 鲜艳的颜色总是很吸引年轻女孩。

134. attach to 依恋于,依附于

135. confine sb to 把某人限定在一个范围内

eg. The mother confined her naughty son to the room. / 妈妈把调皮的儿子关在房间里。

136. see to 负责准备

eg. Whose turn to see to the dinner today? / 今天轮到谁做饭了?

137. surrender oneself to 屈服于,投降于

138. yield to 屈服

139. account for sth 解释……的原因

eg. The heavy traffic accounts for my late. / 我迟到的原因是拥挤的交通。

140. hope for sth 希望得到某物

141. begin with / end up with 从……开始/ 从……结束

142. cope with 应对,解决

143. reason with sb 规劝某人

eg. I have tried to reason with him, but he is too stubborn. / 我尽力说服他,但是他太固执了。

144. be responsible for sth 对……负责

145. be curious about sth 对……好奇

146. be keen on sth 对……热衷

147. be indifferent to sth 对……感到无所谓

148. be inferior to 低于……,劣等于

149. be new to sth 对……陌生

150. be sensitive to 对……感到敏感

eg. The little girl is very sensitive to the sunshine. / 那个小女孩对阳光很敏感。

151. be obedient to 服从于

152. be harmful to 对……有害

153. be capable of doing sth 有能力做某事

154. be independent of sth / be dependent on sth 独立于/ 依赖于

155. be jealous of sth 嫉妒……




