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发布时间:2020-05-28 来源:新东方在线 发布人:zipo

























1、语音入门。48个国际音标 英美音标辨析(每月2场互动直播,语音规则强化)

2、英语初阶。掌握新概念1册1500 词汇、200 口语句型、15大核心语法(每月3场互动直播,核心语法提升强化);剑桥标准流利口语Book1:听说入门

3、英语基础。掌握新概念2册3500 词汇、16种时态、3大从句等全部语法(每月3场互动直播,系统梳理语法);剑桥标准流利口语Book2:听说能力进阶

4、阅读写作。掌握新概念3册4500 词汇、3种复杂从句、文章刘畅读写(每月3场互动直播,长难句解析、四六级、考研、雅思作文辅导);剑桥标准流利口语Book3:高效参与对话

5、流利英语。掌握新概念4册6000 词汇、理解中西方文化、无障碍沟通(每月3场互动直播,长难句解析、雅思、托福、GRE作文辅导);剑桥标准流利口语Book4:无障碍流利沟通




一.第一、弄懂文章意思,了解文章结构。以新概念第二册第一课为例:课文的意思就是陈述一次看戏的经过,青年男女没有教养在剧场里喧哗,而且知识文化水平不高,把作者的 “I can hear a word” 误认为是偷听他们之间的谈话,故而引到了文章标题 “This is our private conversation.” 了解文章的结构时要将自己放置在作者的位置上,替作者思考为什么要这么写,对作者的行文思路进行分析。新二第一课的行文思路基本上是故事叙述,兼之对话。


三.复习复习再复习。根据人的记忆规律,一件事情记住需要遗忘7次。也就是说不要想一口气将文章全部记住,并且终身不忘。在复习的过程中有两种方法是值得推荐的:第一,通过听磁带来帮助回忆文章的内容;第二,尽量的在语言使用的过程中采用已经背诵的材料。例如,说萝卜青菜各有所爱,你就马上想到新三的一篇课文标题:one man’s meat is another’s poison.。








“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”---Maria Robinson

“A year from now you may wish you had started today.”---Karen Lamb

I didn’t really try to improve my life very much until I was 25. Before that I mostly just moved along in the same old rut.

Since then (I’m 32 now) I have tripled my effectiveness, lost more than 30 pounds, adopted a more optimistic view of my life and raised my own self-esteem greatly. I have learned to simplify my life and to inject a lot more happiness into my days and years.

Why am telling you this? Well, the point here is not to brag. My point is that you are not stuck permanently in the life you have now. Even if it may feel that way.

It may sometimes feel like you should have started to change your life earlier, when you were a kid or in your teens or early tweenties. Or that you should have been born into those right circumstances right away as you came to this earth. It may feel like it is too late now.

You may look to your past and tell yourself: “if only had done this or that then things would have been different and better now”. That may be true but you cannot really change the past unless you got a time-machine. And reliving the past in your mind does not change today and this week and month. It just has you hooked on mental reruns that keep you in your regretfilled rut.

It isn’t too late for you to improve something in your life that you really want to change. No matter what age you are at. Over the past 5+ years I have received thousands of emails from readers of all ages – between 14 and 72 – that have told me about how they have changed their life in a positive way.

I understand that you may not be able to change your life in any way you want right now. There are real limits in most people’s lives and personal development isn’t magic that can fix just about anything quickly and easily.

But you can do what you can with what you have where you are right now. Start there.

Make a small change if that is what is possible. From that small change and success you will gain confidence and you can build upon that to make more and perhaps even bigger changes.

4 steps that will make it easier for you to get started

1. Think about what you really want to change.

Maybe you already know it. It could be your social life, your confidence, your health or money situation. Or take a few days to think about it. Take time to focus on this because if you really want something then it becomes a whole lot easier to keep going.

Or let your curiousness guide you. Ask yourself: what would I like to explore in life now? Find one or a few areas to improve or habits you would like to incorporate into your life. Write them down.

2. Choose one thing or habit to focus on for now.

If you have found several things or habits you would like to focus on then choose to focus on just one at a time. Spreading yourself too thin pretty much always leads to failure because life tends to get in the way. If you have a regular life then you’ll probably won’t have the time and energy to change three things at once even though you really hope and think you can.

If you like, choose a theme for a year and focus just on that. I have chosen themes in the past like health and social skills. Then put most of your efforts for 365 days into creating new habits and routines in just that one area.

3. Take small steps.

This is very important. The feeling that something is too big or scary or difficult is one of the most common things to hold people back from taking action at all.

On the other hand, people also tend to overestimate their own willpower. The plan sounds so good in your head but when you execute it then you can’t really take as much action or move as fast as you thought.

Focusing on just one thing at a time and doing it in small steps may feel kind of like something a child would do. I have thought that was the case – like so many other people have in the past – and then fallen flat on my nose after a few days or weeks of trying to change too many things too quickly.

Instead, ask yourself: what is one small step I can take to move forward in this situation?

I use that question pretty much every day in some way and it has been immensely helpful over the last couple of years.

4. Ask yourself: What is one small step I can take right now to get ball rolling ?

Don’t get stuck in planning. Or thinking that you will get started tomorrow or next week. Get the ball rolling instead. Do that today by just taking one small and practical step towards what you want.




