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发布时间:2022-03-24 来源:新东方在线 发布人:tusya





新概念英语一册 免费试课>>

孔程程, 英国曼彻斯特大学对外英语教育硕士(TESOL), 曾获北京新东方学校“优秀教师”、 新东方教育科技集团“十年功勋教师”等荣誉,授课时长10000+小时,拥有剑桥大学英语教师能力证书认证。主讲新概念一册。 新东方“烛光行动”四川彭州支教,为当地 300 多中小学教师培训;北京新东方英语学习部成人新概念项目 教研组长;北京新东方“星计划”英语学习部教师招聘负责人。

新概念英语二册 免费试课>>

苏延奇,新东方科技教育集团10年功勋教师,北京新东方学校英语学习部教研负责人,新教师培训优秀导师,曾任国际网球联合会翻译,英语专业八级,剑桥大学英语教学能力TKT认证。 教授零基础到新概念四册全体系课程,语法初,中,高级课程。擅长语法体系的梳理和框架搭建,注重语法规则的理解和推导,杜绝死记硬背和生搬硬套。强调语境输入,通过课文、名著、电影和美剧学地道英文。

新概念英语三册 免费试课>>

金格妃,“希望之星”英语风采大赛北京赛区评委主席,北京新东方学校优秀教师,听口组教师赛课冠军,资深课程产品设计师。8年英语听说教学经验,累计授课5880小时,曾被公派到美国哥伦比亚大学访问学习。拥有剑桥大学CELTA教师证书、TKT核心模块及CLIL模块证书,获得剑桥大学CELT P/S培训师认证。其授课风格自然幽默,习惯用mind map等手段帮助学生建立口语思维,让学生轻松掌握语言知识。

新概念英语四册 免费试课>>








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1. “What if I just got naked and started screaming at people?”


Although the details always change slightly, there is undeniably this incredibly weird little voice which lives inside each of us, coming out always in the most professional/formal/inappropriate moments, and longs only to see everything be ruined. Who hasn’t been sitting in a business meeting or particularly boring lecture and become overwhelmed with the desire to do something absolutely insane, such as light your neighbor’s beard on fire, or flash your genitals and wave them around a bit, or scream “penis” at the top of your lungs? There is just something almost… itchy about being in reserved, organized, quiet social situations which brings out the disgusting animal in each of us who wants chaos and loud noises and life-ruining behavior. I suppose we now have to work on channeling our inner Steve-O into a little voice which wants us to clean our shower, or file our taxes, or call our grandmother. At least put all that impulsiveness into positive behavior.


2. “I want to punch that baby.”


When it’s just screaming endlessly, and no one’s doing anything about it, and you’re just trying to enjoy your meal, and you know that your rage would be much better directed to the spineless parent who is allowing this to carry on, but you just can’t even think about them with the screaming in your ear — sometimes you just want to punch the baby. It is ruining your day, and being such an asshole, and even if you spend 99 percent of your time being a Mary Poppins figure who hands out dandelions to round-cheeked toddlers and whistling showtunes, you are not immune to the baby-punching. Just one swift uppercut to the face and they’d be quiet for a while, and you could finish your meal in peace. We are all terrible.


3. “Does this person make more money than me?”


How much are your coworkers making? How about your friends? Your frenemies? Your cousins? Where are they geting that nice new blazer, and those fancy throw pillows? What kind of money are they making? They should be paying for my drinks with all this money they’re throwing around. If you could just get, like, an estimate within a 5,000-dollar range, that would be perfect. Just enough to know that you shouldn’t be seething with jealousy.


4. “Am I going to jump right now?”


Whether standing on a subway platform or on the rooftop of a building which would definitely flatten you immediately if you fell, there is always that terrifying moment of “What if I just tipped right over and ended it all?” You’re not sad, you don’t want to die, and you’re not the kind of person who even goes for an adrenaline rush, and yet — it’s all you can think about it. Even the most even-keeled person is guaranteed to get a rush or two of “Maybe I would just break all the bones in my legs and still make it out okay” when looking over the railings of a long stairwell. It’s human nature, and yet it never gets any less unnerving. Because what are you going to do? You can’t just turn to your friend and be like, “Don’t mind me, I’m just contemplating my mortality for a hot sec. I might jump, but probably won’t. You can have my XBox just in case I do.” I mean, you could, but I would discourage it.


5. “People who say ‘I don’t need to drink to have fun’ shouldn’t get invited places.”


I’m sure they are capable of being nice people, but I am not trying to get my buzz ruined by some Polly Party Pooper who just wants to look at me condescendingly while I sip my Mad Dog like a lady and talk about how she’s high on life and doesn’t need to intoxicate herself to see all the ~beauty and joy of being a citizen of this earth~ or whatever New Age smugness she has been smoking these days. We all know that it’s the worst, and yet no one works up the courage when told “I don’t need to drink to have fun” to rip the cork out of a bottle of wine with their teeth and be like “WELL I DO GLUG GLUG GLUG.” Someone should really take one for the team and do it.

我确信他们有资格成为好人,但是我不会让这些美女聚会扫兴者毁掉兴致的,她们在我像一个女士一样啜一口Mad Dog时,居高临下地看着我,并谈论她的生活品味是如何高雅,不需要喝醉来感受所有的这些——美和身为地球公民的快乐——或任何新生代的自命不凡,这些天她一直在批评。我们都知道这是最差劲的,而且还没有人有勇气在被告知“我不需要从酒中寻找乐趣”时,用牙齿打开瓶塞并说“来来来,喝喝喝。”人们都应该加入团队做事。

6. “Thinking about [insert couple here] having sex is offensive and nauseating.”


It’s not even necessarily that this couple is particularly uggo, although that happens quite often, too. Hell, there are some couples that are not at all your cup of tea physically whom you could still picture slapping away like one of those plastic clappy-hands toys kids use at parties. But there are just certain couples who, for whatever reason, are as asexual as the bodies of Barbie and Ken dolls. The idea of them getting it on is at once impossible to imagine and slightly unsettling to consider. They’re just kind of gross in any sexual context, and you’d rather not see them holding hands, lest your mind wander to where else those hands have explored.


7. “This child/baby is ugly.”


I don’t know, man, sometimes a baby is just unattractive. You want to be nice, but you’re just like, “Yikes, 2/10 at best.” And it’s bad enough when it’s just some random baby crossed in the street, but sometimes it’s popping up on your Facebook news feed or coming to family functions and then you have to be repeatedly confronted with its presence and forced to muster up some half-hearted lie about how cute it is. Can we just be honest and be like, “Hey, some babies have great personalities. Yours is one of them.” Please?






