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发布时间:2016-11-13 来源:新东方在线 发布人:young



学员jdi粘你:2007年新东方在线获得TPO 资源使用授权,成为大陆地区首个TPO产品独家官方合作伙伴,新东方托福课程没有固定时间,都是随时学的。因为课程后面配有练习,新东方托福网课上老师会有提到相关作业的~在旗舰班里会有一对一的辅导服务老师可以帮你辅导,如果是精品班的话可以选择再报一个辅导课老师可以帮助到你~


有些人认为电视对社会有着正面的影响,而另一些人则持相反意见。你同意哪种 观点?在你的答案中给出具体的细节和例子。

response 1 by native

I believe that television has had a mainly positive effect on society. Television is one of the best ways to convey information to many people. For example, news programs are easy to watch and allow people to effortlessly stay up-to-date with current events. Television news programs cover everything from local events to worldwide news, and are very convenient for people to watch before or after work. In addition, I think that television is good for family life. Families can often sit together and watch television, and in a time when teenagers rebel against their parents and seek independence, TV offers a nice way for family members to stay close to one another.

response 2 by non-native

I believe that television has a positive influence on society. First of all, with the spread of TV, people can get to know what is happening in this world without much delay. We can know the latest news of almost every field and every country, which equips us with a better understanding of the world. The second reason is that watching television is one of the best ways to relax ourselves. After a busy day, if we can sit in the couch and watch television and just make ourselves entertained, we can soon get refreshed.




