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您的位置: 广州培训 > 新世界教育 > 师资力量 > 曾健平Susanna Zeng

  • 曾健平Susanna Zeng 曾健平Susanna Zeng— 金牌讲师



    教学经历: 教育是当今**复杂的工作之一。首先,它要求老师对科目、课程有着渊博的知识。其次,它需要老师对工作热情洋溢,对学生悉心关怀和对...详情>>

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Teaching is one of the most complicated jobs today. It demands broad knowledge of subject matter, curriculum and standards. Moreover, it’s important to have enthusiasm, a caring attitude and the love of the English language. It requires knowledge of discipline and classroom management techniques. Most important, it needs a desire to make a difference in the lives of students.

I am energetic, responsible with positive attitude and enthusiasm toward life. I love English and I enjoy it in many ways. For me, English is more than just a language, it is also a lifestyle.

As an English teacher, I love to share the joy of learning English with students. Not only do I spend quality time to prepare suitable lessons for students accordingly, but also I focus on forming strong relationships with my students. During the class, I encourage students and get them to look at issues in a variety of ways. Moreover, I apply different teaching methods to lead students into the wonderland of learning English. As for my students, learning English is a time to grow, explore, try on identities, and find joys that might just last a lifetime.



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