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  • Mike Mike— 金牌讲师



    教学经历:  Mike   Hi, my name I Mike. I’m an Engl...详情>>

    身份认证 学历认证 教师证


 Hi, my name I Mike. I’m an Englishman for the County of West Yorkshire in the North of England. I came to China for the first time in 2006 and travelled extensively from Shanghai to Hainan and many places in between. I fell in love with the Culture and the food, the people and eventually the language.


I have 3 tips to learning languages. Motivation, find a way to keep your self motivated by setting a goal, and sticking to them. I try learn or expose myself to 3-6 new words every day and learn how to use them. Tenacity, stick to your goals and don’t let anything get in your way, but also don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t reach your targets, after all learning language should be fun. Lastly exposure, expose yourself to language learning opportunities as possible. Talk to people as much as possible, try to make western friends (but be safe and sensible).


I really enjoy travel, technology and science and reading and watching movies. Come share some of your stories to me.


大家好,我叫Mike, 来自英格兰北部的西约克郡。2006年,我首次来到中国,那时,我从上海开始旅行,一直到海南,途中也经过了许多其他的地方。在旅行途中,我渐渐地爱上了这里的文化、美食、人们以及语言。








Mike is a very smart and warm-hearted guy who comes from Great Britain and graduated from the University of Leeds. He’s been an English teacher for more than two years and he has got a TEFL certificate. He’s absolutely a strict, responsible and respected teacher here. If you have been to his class, you would have felt his humour, intelligence and preciseness. He’s our good friend. He loves being here and he loves his students.


Education Supervisor——Vivian



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