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发布时间:2016-05-16 来源:简单网校 发布人:继续


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1. 简单学习网


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网校简介:北京简单科技有限公司坚持“科技使学习更简单”的理念,专注于网络辅导业务。简单学习网由简单科技创办。简单学习网依托与北京大学共同研发的“CAT 智能引领互动教学国家专利技术”,在全国首创“互动封闭拟真课堂”。其独特之处在于:模拟真实课堂,基于智能错题本、课后练习和快速网络答疑,融名师系统讲授和“1对1”个别辅导为一体。旨在帮助全国的高中生“反复享受高考研究专家针对性辅导”,提高学习效率,节省学习时间,实现理想。

2. 新东方高中在线


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新东方高中培训视频 点击免费试听>>



In fact, his English in one of these articles was so good that Engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it.   事实上,他的那些文章中有一篇是用很漂亮的英文写成的,以至于恩格斯为此写了一封信对他加以赞赏。

He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper.





1. so+形容词(表语)+that从句。例如:

It was so cold outside that we had to stop the game. 外面天气太冷了,我们不得不停止比赛。

The picture is so beautiful that everyone likes it. 那幅画是那样好看,以至于大家都喜欢它。

The weather is so fine that all the children want to go out to play. 天气如此好,所有的孩子都想出去玩一会儿。


  2. so+形容词+a(m)+单数名词+that从句。例如:

She made so good a meal that we all ate far too much. 她做的饭菜那么好吃,结果我们都吃得太多了。

It was so good an exhibition that I went to see it several times. 展览是那么好,结果我就去看了好几次。

It was so fine a day yesterday that we all went out for a picnic. 昨天天气很好,我们都出去野餐了。


  3. so+副词+that从句。例如:

He did so well in the examination that everyone praised him. 他考得那么好,人人都称赞他。

Tom ran so fast that he won the first place. 汤姆跑得那样快,结果他得了第一名。

He worked so hard at his lessons that he had little rest. 他学习功课非常勤奋,休息得很少很少。


  4. so+many / /much / few / little+名词+that从句。例如:

I”ve had so many falls that I”m black and blue all over. 我跌了那么多跤,全身跌得青一块,紫一块的。

There was so much work to do that everybody got bored. 有这么多的事要做,人人都感到厌烦了。

There was so little water in the jar that it was not enough for all of us. 缸里的水太少,不够我们这些人用的。


1. such+a(n)+形容词+单数名词+that从句。例如:

This is such a good book that all of us like it very much. 这是一本很好的书,我们大家都喜欢读一读。

It was such a fine day that nobody wanted to stay at home. 天气这么好,没有人愿意呆在家里不出去。

It was such an interesting film that I saw it twice. 这是一部很有意思的电影,我看了两次。


  2. such+形容词+复数名词+that从句。例如:

He had such long arms that he could almost touch his knees. 他的胳膊很长,几乎就能够到他的膝盖。

They are such good students that the teacher likes them. 他们都是很好的学生,老师喜欢他们。


  3. such+(形容词)+不可数名词+that从句,例如:

The book is written in such easy English that beginners can understand it. 这本书是用简单的英语写成的,连初学者都能看懂。

It was such fine weather yesterday that we went swimming. 昨天天气很好,我们去游泳了。


  4. one (no, any, all, many, some, several, 等)+such+可数名词+that从句。例如:

There are many such good books that I can”t decide which one to choose. 有这么多的好书,我无法决定选择哪一本。

He gave us several such examples about the phrase that we understood it pretty well. 关于这个短语,他举了好几个这样的例句,我们终于完全弄懂了。





